(734) 282-8700

Lifting Up Our Community

This time of year, it is especially easy to take for granted simple pleasures of life like sharing a warm meal with family and friends. For many, this is a luxury that is not enjoyed year-round let alone on the holidays. Since 1977 Gleaners Community Food Bank has been helping community members who struggle with hunger.

In a world of plenty, food insecurity is a preventable issue. And it is Gleaners’ mission to provide households with access to sufficient, nutritious food, and solve hunger. For decades, this organization has been a valuable resource for the community as they provide community service opportunities, fundraising events, and of course, the collection and distribution of nutritious meals to families in need. 

In the name of the season of giving, the Champagne Agency feels the need to lift up our community to make a difference in the lives of someone struggling. We invite you to join us with a number of ways to help, through food, time, or financial donations. If these options are not feasible for you, we’ll donate $10 in your name for each person you recommend to us for a no-obligation quote. $10 dollars for each person that person recommends as well! With the potential for exponential donations, we can help make sure no one goes through the holidays hungry.

To Make a Donation Directly CLICK HERE
